Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Dinosaur Wednesday

Today was a Wacky Dinosaur Day.  We measured objects with tyrannosaurus teeth, tried to cover a tyrannosaurus footprint with all of our shoes, and compared the length of dinosaurs.  We also painted dinosaur skin with bubble wrap!  

The kids found out that a T-rex tooth was as big as their head, and that it's jaw could open wider than the height of some kindergarten students.  We observed the size of a T-rex footprint.  Though we knew one kinder foot wouldn't be as large as the T-rex footprint we thought maybe all of our shoes together would cover the foot. Even all those shoes from one class wouldn't cover the footprint.  Tomorrow we will use all the shoes from all the kinders tomorrow and hope to succeed in covering the footprint.

The kids also got a feel for how long certain dinosaurs are when we rolled out a long strip of paper.  We walked the length of certain dinosaurs.  They would find a 25 meter dinosaur and use that number to find the length of a 23 meter dinosaur.  

Monday, May 19, 2014

Our "Deer" Children

We have been talking about forest animals and the tracks each animal makes.  Today, after the concert rehearsal, we let the kids have some choice time to get their energy out.  One child asked to make deer antlers.  Upon seeing his antlers, another few asked to make some.  Sure enough, by the time we had indoor recess, several students were making antlers and headbands.  Thankfully, we had some lovely fourth grade helpers to put the headbands together.

As we explore adding in math, the students have enjoyed playing "Dunk It Dominoes."  There are cups with numbers on them and the kids pick a domino, count the sum of the dots, and then "dunk" the domino in the appropriate cup.  We have been working on saying the equation, "2+4=6" and then writing the equation as well.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Farm Abby's Visit

We were able to share what we've been learning about plants with Farm Abby today.  She came over to plant pumpkin seeds with us.  As the kids finished planting, they were able to pick dandelions and make dandelion chains.  It was a nice way to end a day of concert rehearsals and NWEA testing.
REMEMBER:  There is no kindergarten Thursday and Friday next week (May 22 and 23).

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Planting Spider Plants

We read another nonfiction book about plants today.  We learned that all plants need the sun to live.  The sun is combined with water and carbon dioxide in the leaf to make sugars and then oxygen is released to give us air to breathe.  All of our food was also connected back to the sun. After we compared several types of plants, including two types of spider plants we looked about several baby plants.  The kids had to select the parent plant the babies came from.  Once everyone found the parent spider plant we went outside to plant our "babies."  

Now I can't let an amazing opportunity to write be overlooked, so once all the baby plants were nestled in their new potted homes the kiddos all took a blank book and wrote about how to plant a spider plant.  This year of Writer's Workshop is paying off as the students use their bank of sight words and knowledge of information writing to create a wonderful book.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Watching It All Come Together

During our Reader's Workshop one of the students had an "Aha!" moment.  He excitedly related to us that he could read his story better today than he could yesterday.  The rereading we have been talking about hit home for him and you could feel the pride oozing out of him.

We used two dice to play an adding/subtracting game today.  The kids loved rolling the dice and then doing what the symbols ad numbers told them to do.  Everyone decided working with a buddy would be more fun, so they had to determine how to take turns and play together.

Finally, in Writer's Workshop, another student spontaneously began reading to another child sitting close by.  As we were sharing our work I asked her why she did that.  Her response was, "I wanted to see if what I wrote made sense."  Everything we have been working on this year in kindergarten is coming full circle.  Your children have learned to employ several strategies in reading, math, and writing. What a thrill it is to watch them take off!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Nature's Wonders

       Our literacy workshop began with another look at nonfiction books.  The kids took nonfiction books and used the pictures to figure out what was going on in the book.  As the students partnered up they went through a book about country animals and talked about what the pictures showed.  After looking through the pictures, the students read the book "Country Animals" using what they learned from the pictures to help them read the book.
       It was a beautiful day.  After a long cold winter the sun has found us again and flowers are blooming.  To celebrate the wonderful weather the kids took to the outdoors to write.  They drew what they saw, and then wrote about it.  Everyone found a spot to sit and enjoy some flowers. We saw our students describe the lovely flowers.  They came up to us excitedly to show the spaces they were using between their words.  Watching kindergarten kids write about nature is beautiful as well.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Informational Posters and Rotting Trees

We have had a great time the past few days looking at rotting logs and then making informational posters.  First, we went outside yesterday to look at some rotting logs to find some creatures that live in the logs.  We found spiders, ants, worms, and even a snail.

Then today we read a fiction book about trees, and talked about all the parts of a tree.  We went outside and checked out several types of trees. The children were then asked to make an informational drawing labeling the parts of a tree.  All of the students wrote wonderful labels and made non-fiction drawings of trees, meaning no suns had smiley faces.  The posters are hanging proudly in the windows for all to see.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Popsicle Sticks

We used popsicle sticks in both math and word work today.  First we used popsicle sticks for counting out bundles of ten and then wrapping elastics around the bundles.  That was a great fine motor activity as well as wonderful practice for  place value.

Then we built our sight words using popsicle sticks.  Everyone had different ways to make letters.  The kids were delighted to problem solve how to build the letters necessary to create words like; an, do, up, and, can, on and no.  We talked a great deal about how which letters come FIRST in each sight word.  Quite often kids get confused with "on" and "no", or they'll call "and", "Dan."  Try building words at home with your child, giving attention to the order of letters.  You could use noodles, yarn, sticks, silverware......  Give it a go, and see what you can create!

Monday, May 5, 2014

A "Dandy" Day

I could write to you all about the math assessments we are giving in kindergarten.  I could tell you we are taking the online NWEA assessments as well.  Or I could tell you how much your children enjoyed recess today.  Finding dandelions is a rite of passage in kindergarten.  Kids approach grown ups with carefully created bouquets of the ever present dandelion.  So, in this month of assessing, PLEASE, go outside with your wonderful child.  Watch them watch nature.  I promise, you'll smile.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Sharing Number Stories

We wrote number stories today.  First, I reviewed how the kids could come up with a story, draw it, and then write a number model to match what happened in the story.  We discussed the addition and equal symbols, and how important these symbols are in our number stories.  Then the kids went off to write their own.  We had stories about jelly beans, giraffes, and televisions.  The best part of this lesson was when the kids each took a turn to share their work.  Everyone helped each other with the symbols. As they shared their stories, we would check the numbers.  They were delighted to discover their stories were correct.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Writing Opinions

Today our kinders were putting the finishing touches on their favorite book papers.  They had to pick a favorite book and give two reasons for it being a favorite.  We have been discussing what makes a good reason.  For instance, some students like Pete the Cat  books because he doesn't get upset and he says "It's all good."

Everyone had fun with dice toss addition today.  They all found a comfy spot to work and then wrote number sentences to represent the dice they tossed. We also learned about quarters in math.  Help your child sort some coins tonight and find the quarters.  Check out the backs of the quarters and see how many different states you can find.

We had a visit from Red E. Fox as well.  He came in to give the class a certificate for learning about the 9-1-1 system.  Before vacation we learned how to call 9-1-1 and WHEN to call 9-1-1.  It's always a good thing to review at home as well.  The kids could use reminders about what their address is as well as their phone number.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wacky Wednesday

 The kids had a lovely time exploring the marble ramps and making more 3-D marshmallow shapes during our Wacky Wednesday.  They also donned some safety goggles and used eye droppers to add water to a container.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

3-D Shapes

 The kinders have been working with 3-D shapes for the last few weeks.  We have been learning about cones, spheres, pyramids, cylinders, cubes and rectangular prisms.  The kids have found them, identified them, and today, we built them!  Using toothpicks and marshmallows, we started by creating a flat shape, a square.  Then the kids had built the shape up into a cube.  After the cube was made, the kids were cut loose to create their own 3-D shapes.  Now the kids can't wait for a chance to make some more shapes on Wacky Wednesday!

Friday, April 18, 2014

An "Eggsellent" Day

Today we read a few non-fiction books about eggs.  We learned that the eggs we eat do no have chicks in them.  It was fun  to look at the pictures following the growth of a chick inside an egg.  The kids learned that eggs have tiny holes in them to give air to the growing chick.  We saw air bubbles come out of an egg when we put it in water.  Then we all peeled a hard boiled egg to make egg salad.  The kids were thrilled to make their own snack.   Have a wonderful vacation!

Reminder:  Due to the screening of incoming students Thursday May 22 and Friday May 23, there will be NO KINDERGARTEN.  

Friday, April 11, 2014

Outside Math

Today was so beautiful we did math outside.  We talked about how to sort and find items by using attributes like shape, size and color.  To practice I gave the kids an attribute and the kids ran to what they could find.  Some kids found large objects like a tree.  Others found squares from a hopscotch game, or even the larger square of the playground.

We also compared and contrasted two similar books.  The best part about these two books is that they were both about reusing clothing and turning it into something new instead of throwing it away.  each child was excited to share something that was the same or different about the two stories.

Have a great weekend.  Remember, Hat Day for helping the pets is Tuesday!

Thursday, April 3, 2014


We spent Wacky Wednesday learning how to reuse objects and recycle paper.  Mrs. Burgess made paper with the classes while Ms. Roper taught the classes how to turn old sweaters into pouches.  The kids are learning that we can help protect our Earth by reducing the amount of waste that goes into landfills.  We have learned two songs about recycling and reusing materials. One of the great side effects of these lessons is that the kids are now excited to try their hand at sewing.  One of our choices at choice time will now be sewing (with plastic needles).  Check out their great work below!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Reading Non-Fiction

It is so much fun to put books in the hands of our kinders.  Today we had the students examine non-fiction texts to see if they could determine what the book was about, and what they could learn from reading it.  One student was excited to show the class how Earth rotates around the sun.  Another explained that leaves can be all sorts of different colors, even purple!

After recess everyone pulled out their writing folders and picked one book to publish.  Then they shared their book with a partner, who made suggestions for how to improve the book before it was published.  One student corrected the spelling of his partner's book, while another asked questions to gather more detail.  Everyone is excited to publish their books on Monday.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Fiction and Non-Fiction Books

Each child selected a book at the beginning of Reader's Workshop today.  It was exciting to watch the kids do everything we have taught them when looking at a book for the first time.  They were finding sight words, telling what they saw happening in the story, making predictions about what the story would be about, and sharing what they liked with their friends.  When everyone had a chance to check out their stories we talked about deciding if a book is fiction or non-fiction.  We know that fiction books tell a made-up story,  that there are characters in the story, it has a beginning, middle and end, and the illustrations are usually drawn.  Non-fiction books often have photographs, diagrams with labels, indexes, and glossaries.  We can learn from these books and they are true.  We also discovered one book which was both fiction AND non-fiction.  Take a look at the books you have at your house.  Help your child sort the fiction from non-fiction books.  It's a fun activity.

We also wanted to give parents a heads up.  There will be NO KINDERGARTEN CLASSES on Thursday and Friday MAY 22 and 23 due to the screening of incoming kindergarten students.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call the office at 882-7585.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Rebuilding the Buckets on Wacky Wednesday

We started the day with our extended choice time.  Kids painted, used measuring tapes, wrote notes to each other, played math games, built with foam blocks, and published books.  We were overwhelmed with the amazing independent learning that took place in the first hour of the day.

When the classes returned from their special, we made another attempt to create a bucket design that would work better.  The kids checked out the past successful designs, then went to work creating their own new buckets.  They tried, they failed, they tried again.  And again.  And again.  Most of the kids found success.  Everyone had fun.  They played with the windbags when they were finished, trying to find ways to fill the bags with air. When everyone was done, we debriefed and answered the question, "What did we learn when we tried making buckets again?"  The answers were inspiring.  Just check out the list below.  These kids are learning to be tenacious, to be creative, to help each other, and to never ever give up.  This was more about engineering.  It was about becoming a person who can problem solve and persevere.

But we weren't done yet.  Mrs. Burgess continued reading My Father's Dragon to the class.  The kids were then instructed to find a way to show Ms. Roper what has been happening in the story.  They could show what they knew however they chose.  We had kids put on a puppet show, make a Lego map, create masks, and write a summary.  When our fourth grade buddies came in, the kids were excited to share the story with their friends.

Today was about choice,  letting kids take charge of their learning.  It was exciting and I can't wait until our next Wacky Wednesday.