Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Day of School

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As we walked out onto the playground this morning we were thrilled to see such happy, brand new students.  The kindergarten class lined right up and entered the school ready to learn.  They learned where their cubbies were, how to hang up their backpacks and jackets and then where to sit at the tables.

Mrs. Burgess taught the class about the Four Expectations of our class and school.  Our Four Expectations are:
1. Quiet and Kind Voice
2. Be in Your Spot
3. Follow Directions
4. Body to Self

When children are observed following our Four Expectations they earn foam pieces that are held in a clear container.  When the container is filled the class earns a group reward.  The kids were thrilled each time they earned more pieces.

Then we practiced shaking hands, singing a song about friends and read a morning message.  The class had a great time exploring the room.  It was a busy day, and we look forward to a great year in kindergarten!

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