Sunday, November 24, 2013

Thanksgiving Baskets

 One of the best parts of working at Wiscasset Primary School is the amazing Partners in Education group.  Each year they set up a Thanksgiving Basket experience for the students.  Each grade brought in a different component for a Thanksgiving basket.  Then PIE sets up all the food up in a "store." Produce harvested by the students from is also added to the basket.  PIE always finds ways to tie in learning to these experiences.  The kinders crossed items off a shopping list, and we talked about how each item could be used.  Their favorite part was using the scale to weigh out carrots and potatoes.  I loved how this worked nicely into our math lesson the day before when we were using balances.  

When we returned to class the kids were thrilled to learn a new game called "Monster Squeeze."   One child thinks of a number and as the other child guesses, the first partner tells the second child if the guess is too high or too low.  With each guess one monster is moved closer to "squeeze" the correct number.  It is a great game to teach children how to compare numbers.  I sent home a copy of this game with each child, so be sure to ask your kiddo to play a game of Monster Squeeze with you.  Better yet, take it to Thanksgiving dinner and have aunts and uncles play as well.

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