Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Building Buckets

We started the day with a magic trick.  The class learned how to make THREE sight words from the letters A, N, D.  We made stairs like this:
Ask your child to show you this trick at home.  We also played "Who Stole the Cookies From the Cookie Jar?" with last names.

Everyone was excited to check out the book fair as well.  They each found a few books that they would like to take home, you can come check the book fair out when you come in for conferences.

Today we talked about how to use what we already know to help us figure out a new book.  This is called "activating schema."  The class was excited to "activate schema" when looking at the covers of books and reading the titles.  

This afternoon was spent building buckets for Jack and Jill, who have lost their pail to carry water.  We will test our designs tomorrow and discuss why the designs either worked, or didn't work.  

1 comment:

  1. I hope that we test them over the sink. Can't wait to see their faces with the results. I think this has been the best Theme unit all year.
